Categories Autism

Hard and Heavy Days

The last few weeks in our house have been hard, y’all. Trigger warning: This post will discuss self harm. I’ve written before about how hard change can be for Sawyer; he is very much a child that thrives on routine and sameness, and any little change to his everyday routine can be enough to send…

First Day Jitters

Today Sawyer starts his first day of middle school. Most people would probably think "Man, that kid is excited for school to start!" What they don't know is that he wasn't excited- he was overly prepared because he was a ball of nerves- worrying about being bullied, getting lost, or the work being too hard.

Categories Family Life

The Queen

Being a parent is hard, and watching your child struggle is even harder, but I'm happy to see the happy glow radiating from my baby girl's smile these days!