I’m Brittany; I’m a 40-something single mom of three amazing kids (two girls and a boy). I am a marketing professional by day, and when I’m not working I love to write, shoot photography, and spend time playing games like Yahtzee with family and friends.
My oldest daughter is Emily, who is an art major in college. She is the quintessential big sister- very mature for her age, and fiercely protective of her siblings. She is amazingly kind-hearted, goofy, and very creative.
My youngest daughter is Caitlyn, who is your typical high school student. She is hilariously funny, and quite the drama queen; her emotions are always on high!
The “baby” of the family is Sawyer, and he is the inspiration for this blog. Sawyer is my only boy, and he’s definitely a Mama’s Boy. He is deeply loving and caring, could live on McDonald’s chicken nuggets, and absolutely LOVES “Bluey”, “Sesame Street”, hugs and cuddles. Sawyer is on the autism spectrum disorder, and it was his idea to create this blog to write about our life.
My hope for this blog is that by writing about our lives as an autism family, it will spread awareness and education about the disorder and end some of the stigmas surrounding autism and people on the autism spectrum. We’re glad you’re here. ♥