Here We Go

My son Sawyer has told me a few times over the last few months that I should start a blog and write about him. He said “You can tell them about autism, and how I do funny things sometimes”.
The first couple of times he mentioned it, I kind of laughed it off, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. My oldest and middle children are no longer in the house, and I’ve felt the need to start a new hobby. Sawyer keeps to himself a lot, so my nights are often spent mindlessly scrolling through social media after chores are done while he plays on the computer or in his room. We spend a lot of time together, too, but when he’s off doing “his thing”, I’m left feeling the need to stay busy to keep from being so bored.
I love writing; it helps me to “organize” my thoughts and it’s great for being able to reflect on your life’s events and choices through the years. With my love of writing, blogging has always been a natural and therapeutic outlet for me. I started writing in diaries as a child, then graduated to blogging in the late 90’s/early 2000’s. I have been blogging in one form or another for more than 20 years now; I started way back in the day on a site called Open Diary, and I’ve had several blogs over the years as my life has evolved and changed. Some were private blogs just for me, and some were public and readily available for anyone to read.
When I was younger, my blogs were mostly about my life as a young mother and my marriage. I once tried to write a beauty blog, too, and I felt like it got stale. Now that I’m a 40-something single mom of three, I feel like I have more fun things to write about and a lot to say to others out there who may or may not be “in my shoes”.
My three children are my world, and our life together is going to be the main focus of this blog. However, my son Sawyer has autism spectrum disorder, and ever since Sawyer was diagnosed, I’ve felt a strong calling to spread autism awareness and acceptance. Now that he understands that he is “different”, I think this is the perfect time to do something to answer the call. There’s so much that people don’t understand or know about autism, and I feel strongly that as a mother of a special needs child, it’s my responsibility to help educate others.
So here we go… Welcome to my blog, Chicken Nugs and Mama Hugs! I chose this name because two of Sawyer’s favorite things in the world are McDonald’s chicken nuggets and getting hugs from his mama. 😉 In this blog, I’m going to be real with you; it’s not my style to sugarcoat things, or lie about my life. I’m a single mom of three; life is chaotic, but fun and our home is full of love and laughter. We have highs and lows, and both of those will be written about here.
Thank you for stopping by! I’m happy you’re here! ♥

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